Wednesday 3 November 2010

The 5 S' / S number 1- Shot lists

After a lot of research in preparation for my horror movie publicity campaign, it was time to start planning in detail. In order to help set myself a strict outline in which I will use as guidelines to complete the planning tasks I decided to separate the elements of planning which I will need to explore and complete. These are also known as the 5 s' and include:

  • Shot lists

  • Storyboards

  • Schedules

  • Script

  • Stock characters

Shot lists

A shotlist is an uninterrupted sequence of frames taken by a video camera. In other words, this is the continuous film taken from when the camera has been turned on to when it has been turned off. A list of shots helps in the planning and filming of your movie.

At the start of this task, I had difficulty in differentiating the differences between shot lists and also storyboards as they are very similar. I watched a video on (click for link to website) on shotlists and storyboards which helped me understand the difference between them and also how to construct my own. The video may be found below:

Below, I have created a shot list for Midnight Massacre 2, capturing the types of shots which will be included in each scene throughout the horror trailer. (Please click to enlarge)

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