Thursday 9 September 2010

Class Based Research-Analysing Film Titles/Posters

I conducted some research in class which I felt would benefit my horror poster production. As a class, we looked at 4 different film posters

The first film poster I analyzed was a poster called 'Due Date'. My first intentions of this film judging by the title was that it had something to due with time or a long wait or build up to the main plot of the film. After looking at the poster, the letters in capital letters suggested to me that this was a date of importance. The white colour used which made it stand out from the rest of the poster as a whole also highlighted its importance. Prior to seeing the poster, I would have thought that this film was either of the drama or romance genre, however after I had seen the poster, it was clear that it was a film which had many elements of comedy in it.

The second film poster I analysed was for a film named'case 39'. My initial thoughts of this film was that it was one of mystery or maybe had some relations to crime. Once I was able to view the poster, it supported my thoughts due to the plain style of font used suggesting it's seriousness. Also, the white used in the title inferred links with a ghostly or mysterious type of film. The fact that the number 39 is emphasized makes the viewer ask themselves, 'What happened to all the other 28 cases?'.

The third film poster I looked at was for the horror movie 'Let Me In' which is based on the award winning Swedish film 'Let the right one in'. When I heard the title of this film, I immediately identified that it was of the horror genre as the phrase 'Let me in', suggests a form of intrusion or supernaturalness. The poster correlated with my initial thoughts as I was later informed by my teacher that it was a horror film.

The final film poster I looked at was for a film named 'The American'. When I was told the title, I thought it would be a film of the comedy genre or with strong elements of culture. However after viewing the poster I became aware that this was a military film focusing on war. The plain white colour used for the title also highlights the seriousness of the film as it would be confusing if the title for the film was of an animated type of cartoon font.

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