Monday 6 September 2010

Blog Research

Before I began my production, I decided to look at other blogs from previous A2 Media students in order to identify the good and also bad aspects of the blog. This I believed would enhance my own blog as I will be able to acknowledge and incorporate good methods into my own blog such as using links to other websites. Also assessing other blogs I felt would help me identify the downfalls with some of the blogs and avoid them in terms of my own production.

Blog 1) (Click for link)



Visually effective

Short clear introduction

Includes short videos from friends

commenting on the movie trailer

Equal balance between text and images/videos

Includes many posts clearly taking us through the process of their production

Not enough posts

No information about influences or other options they considered such as location etc…

Blog 2) (Click for link)




Explanations are clear and easy to understand

Includes information about the whole of their production

Very few posts

Visually boring

Too much text

Unequal balance between text and images

Blog 3) (Click for link)



Visually interesting

Well thought out and structure

Includes clear and informative evaluations

Balance of images and text

Includes information on other influences

Includes facebook comments

Not many posts

Title banner may have been designed better

Font is not consistent

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