Wednesday 13 October 2010

Planning-Character Factfiles- Midnight Massacre 2 (The Return of the MasKarade)

The main storyline of our trailer is about someone or something who is killing many young women. The horrific acts have described to be a Massacre in which the sick rant who killed these young women has not been found. The victims have many similar elements in their lifestyle such as children and were all found in the same borough dead with a mysterious kiss on the cheek. Also, all the women are said to have been killed within the hour of 11'oclock in the night, leading up to midnight. With only 1 minute left to 12'oclock, there is only one more person who needs to face their harrowing death.
Who will it be?
Below I have created a character factfile on powerpoint for all the victims of the Massacre.

(Please feel free to click the slides in order to make them bigger)

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