Sunday 3 October 2010

Whats More important Images or Words?

BELOW: Image 1 Image 2 Image 3

In my opinion, I feel images are more important than words. I have many reasons for this argument. Whilst analysing film posters, I found that when I first heard of the name of the film, my intentions were sometimes completely different from what the theme or genre of the film was. I was only able to identify what genre the film was once I had seen the film poster itself. This shows that words alone are not entirely important as it may have a completely different meaning which is only recognizable once an image is viewed. Also images can be used as a way to show expressions and is more effective than words. For example the word Bang! is a way to show an expression of a loud and shocking sound. In that sense the use of capital letters and sound will be the most effective way to affect an individual. Image 2 above, demonstrates this well and is also an example of how images can be more effective than just the word itself. It highlights the word and makes it easier for a person to relate to it.
Although some people may argue that words are more important than images because they are more informative, I feel that images are more important as they are physical representative and is also informative.

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