Wednesday 13 October 2010

Research/Planning- Location, props and Costume / Relating to our Film Trailer

As a group, we wanted to do some research outside of our lesson time in order to see the different locations in which we could use in our production of our horror movie trailer.

We decided to take time out of our media lesson and research into locations within out own sixth form premises.

We decided that the drama room would be a good place to look research into props.

The Drama Props room was 'jam-packed' with props and costumes which related very well to our 'Midnight Massacre 2' film trailer. We were impressed by the sight.

There were different sections containing many costumes which made it easier for us to locate different oufits.

Below is a presentation which I have made using (click for link). This presentation features pictures in which I took using my mobile phone. We have also recorded this experience in which you may also like to watch.

As a group we found that many horror films share similar elements in terms of location. We found that locations in slasher horror films use a consistant pattern of a dark mysterious houses in the middle of no where, which was the case in 'The Strangers', or either woods which is very sterotypical as a horror location, this was seen in the film ' The Blair Witch Project' , there are many typical locations that are used in horror films for example a school when watching a teen based horror movie such as 'Prom Night'.

However there was one film that stood out from the rest that caught our eye which was 'Scream' , as 'Scream' was set in the cinema and we find that this a non-typical idea , something we like tob go with. So by weighing out all the locations that slasher horror films have we decided to not use any typical locations but to mix and match with locations.

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