Tuesday 7 December 2010

An Insight To Filming Day 1

Shot Content: Victim running in corridor
Location: Art Corridor

I couldn't wait to start filming after all the research and planning I had done between me and my group. The first time which we filmed was during my lesson time which meant that Vanessa and Chantel could record and I couldnt. So, to help out, I help them set up the scenery in which we were to film. Although we are using a range of locations in our horror trailer, our first setting was using the art corridor in our school. We wanted to make the scenary quite dark howver not too dark in order for the viwers to still be able to see the victim running. To do this, we found A2 size black paper and began to stick it on the windows of the art corridor, at first it did not seem to be making it darker however after the job had nearly been completed we could see the clear difference. We then used brown sellotape to create a wild and discomforting affect. After we used red paint to paint the words 'YOU CAN'T TURN BACK THE CLOCK'
We filmed Chantel running through the corridors scared and panting heavily. To ensure that we would get the best shot for our trailer, we recorded many shots from different angles. We also recorded a scene with a mysterious person in the background to see whether this would make our horror film scarier or cliché.

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