Friday 10 December 2010

Organisation of Camera

As we were filming, it was important to keep the camera safe as they were property of the school. The equipment we got were:
  • We recieved a tripod before we went to film. This was beneficial as it ensured that the camera was entirely still whilst filming and created a professional effect rather than the effect of a hand held camera.

  • We also got a 3 megapixel camera to film our film on. This camera gave us the facilities of fast forward, rewinding, play back and stopping.

  • When we were going to film we also got a case to keep the camera in, in order to make sure it was easier to look after and also easaier to carry.

In order to ensure that we kept the cameras safe we made sure we did not mis-handle it. We also assigned different people within the group to be in charge of the camera each time we recorded. This ensured there was always a specific individual whose priority was the camera.

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