Friday 10 December 2010

Production of Film Magazine

We wanted our whole campaign to tie with each other well and therefore we felt that our film magazine should have a symbolic image which related to our trailer as a whole. We chose to include the image of the mask. As I had created the film poster and the others were impressed we decided that I should also take on the role of designing and producing the film magazine.

I again used Corel to produce this. It took quite sometime as the magazine needed to fit together well. I chose to use black as the main background for the magazine in order to make the main image of the mask which was a white/cream colour stand out more. Rather than included the full image of the mask, I only made the viewers see half of the mask which enhanced the notion of mystery. I also ensured that I used the typical elements expected of a magazine such as a tag line and an issue number for example.

Below are images of my film magazine during the process of production:

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