Tuesday 7 December 2010

Production of Film Poster

As myself and Vanessa were happy with the flat-plans and decisions we had made, we both went home and created a film poster.
Below my film poster is featured on the left hand side whilst Vanessa's is on the right hand side.

As a group, we discussed which poster we felt was better and for what reasons. In the end, we concluded that we were to use my poster as appose to Vanessa's as mine looked 'more professional'.


To construct the film poster, I used a photo editing programme named Corel. This is much like photoshop which I was used to and also gained experience of using it during my AS in year 12, creating a music magazine. Although Corel had some differences and therefore it took a bit of getting used to. I used some of the images we took whilst shooting and edited the brightness and contrast if them and also airbushed Jess' skintone in order to portray a more professional effect. I also inserted an image of bloody hands which we took whilst filming and made it more faint and flipped Jess' picture in order to create a sense that Jess is oblivious to the hands behind her. I included the title of our Horrror Film in 'Horror type' font and included the production details at the bottom and icons/logo which film audiences are familiar with such as the paramount logo.
Below are images of my film poster in the programme: Corel and also the original image I used

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